Software Development Rayson Lim Jun Kai

Backend Developer | Android Developer | Data Scientist

Hello! My name is Rayson and I am a software engineer from Singapore. I am currently pursuing a software related degree and I will be graduating from Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) in September 2019. I picked up programming on my own when I was 18 and since then, I have worked on several software projects both in school and at internships. I focus mainly on backend development but I am also familiar with mobile development, data science and machine learning. I love building things with code :)


Jublia Email Scheduler Tool

Built a tool using Celery and Flask for the customer success team to schedule emails to be sent in the future.

Python Flask Celery MySQL
Timetable Scheduler
Timetable Scheduler

Designed and implemented a web application that generates school timetables using a genetic algorithm that takes into account resource availability constraints.

NodeJS Python MySQL
Natural Language Processing
Part-of-Speech Tagging

Implemented Perceptron and Hidden Markov Models to perform part-of-speech tagging on tweets

Machine Learning Python
Making Maps
Happiness Map of Singapore

Conducted a study on where the happier people in Singapore are based on the emojis they use in tweets and instagram posts. People staying in private estates turned out to be happier.

R Shiny Plotly
Voting System
ISTD Showcase Voting System

The ISTD department in SUTD showcases student projects every year. We built a voting system where students and professors can vote for their favourite projects using their student/employee card

PHP MySQL Android
Data Science
Cyber Attack Detection

I made a statistical model to detect cyber attacks in a water distribution system that relies on computers, sensors and actuators.

R Python Data Science